- Slumlord wishes to apologize for posting this late. We were very busy with preparing for our CD release party this past weekend. After which we were far too hungover to accomplish anything other than eating McDonalds and watching trashy television programs. Take it away, TJ
technical difficulties. |
Hey there Slumateers, have we got a treat for you this week. Last week's prime rib was such a success we decided that we must try our hand at the one of the most addictive and powerful substances known to man; slow cooked pork ribs.
Speaking from my own perspective, nothing makes me feel more powerful than viciously beating someone weaker than myself. Tearing meat from bones with my teeth however is a close second, but lord knows I hardly had to tear because these ribs turned out to be so goddamned tender and juicy the meat was falling right off the bone.
Severine Kavanaugh was our saucier for this the diabolically delicious feast we prepared for ourselves this week.
1/2 can of tomatoes
3/4 cup of tomato paste
1 medium onion
3 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons fresh ginger
1 tablespoon oregano
1 tablespoon cumin
1 tablespoon chili powder.
The preparation of this sinful sauce is as follows:
Roughly chop onions, ginger and garlic. Fry in oil on medium heat until browned. Add tomato paste, cook on medium heat for a few moments and then add a tallboy of your choice (we used a can of killkenny). Add the rest of ingredients and bring to a boil. Once it has reached a boil, lower heat and allow the concoction to simmer for about an hour or until the beer's bitter flavour has been cooked off. Stir often. puree (hand blender works great), season then cool.
To prepare the ribs for the grill this week we used a very simple spice rub.
SlumSpice mix
Chili Powder
Sriratcha sauce
Smashed up garlic cloves
I did not measure the amounts of any of these, instead I proceeded to dump large amounts of each spice into a bowl, stir them around with my grubby mitts, and then proceeded to pound them into to meat. I also smeared the garlic all over the place, then stabbed little holes into the ribs and stuffed them with the remaining garlic pieces.
We sat the rubbed pork on the counter, and proceeded to annoy our neighbours for two hours. Upon completion of our strange rock n roll rituals in Artz Street's noisiest three bedroom unit, we quickly brushed a thin lair of Severine's Sinister Sauce in the final preparation for this portions of a pig's journey to my BBQ.
I fired up trusty ol' rusty and kept it at maximum heat, occasionally scraping charred bits of our last delicious creation off the grill. When the thermometer reached 600 I tossed the ribs on searing each side for about 3 minutes.
Since most of today's creative juices went into preparing the ribs, we decided to make an easy side. French Fries. They were prepared more or less how you would expect them them to be. Potatoes were chopped, quickly boiled to de-starch, blanched then deep fried until crispy, salted, and serves with ketchup, feel free to make your own variations.
Bon Apetite until next week.
Love, Slumlord.